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Prophet Yunus (AS) and the Whale

Discover the story of Prophet Yunus (AS), who was swallowed by a giant whale! Learn how patience and dua can save us even in the darkest times.

Prophet Yunus (AS) and the Whale


  • Dua: A prayer to ask Allah for help.

  • Tawbah: Repentance (saying sorry to Allah and promising to improve).

  • Sabr: Patience and perseverance in Islam.


The Prophet’s Mission
Prophet Yunus (AS) was sent to teach the people of Nineveh to worship Allah alone. But they refused to listen! Frustrated, Yunus (AS) left the city without Allah’s permission.

The Storm and the Whale
A storm sank the ship he boarded, and Yunus (AS) was swallowed by a giant whale! In the whale’s dark belly, he prayed: “La ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka! (There is no god but You, Glory be to You!)” (Quran 21:87).

A Second Chance
Allah forgave Yunus (AS) and commanded the whale to spit him onto shore. When he returned to Nineveh, he was amazed—the people had finally accepted Islam!


“And had he not been of those who exalt Allah, he would have remained inside its belly until the Day they are resurrected. But We threw him onto the open shore while he was ill.” (Quran 37:143-144)


  • Why is it important to never give up on Allah’s mercy?

  • What can you do when you feel frustrated or impatient?

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