Pharaoh: A cruel king who ruled Egypt.
Torah: The holy book revealed to Musa (AS).
Miracle: An amazing act only Allah can do.
The Baby in the Basket
Musa’s (AS) mother hid him in a basket on the Nile River to save him from Pharaoh’s soldiers. Allah guided the basket to Pharaoh’s palace, where Musa (AS) grew up under Allah’s protection.
The Escape
Years later, Musa (AS) confronted Pharaoh, demanding he free the enslaved Israelites. When Pharaoh refused, Allah sent plagues. Musa (AS) led his people out of Egypt, but Pharaoh’s army chased them to the Red Sea!
The Splitting Sea
Allah commanded Musa (AS) to strike the sea with his staff. The sea split into two walls, letting Musa (AS) and his people cross safely. When Pharaoh’s army followed, the sea closed, drowning them all.
“And We inspired to Moses, ‘Strike with your staff the sea,’ and it parted, and each portion was like a great towering mountain. And We saved Moses and those with him, all together. Then We drowned the others.” (Quran 26:63-66)
Why did Allah choose Musa (AS) to confront Pharaoh?
How can you trust Allah when something seems impossible?